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How to Make Ecommerce Website Ready for Mobile Devices?

If you are reading this article, chances are that you have already taken the plight into the digital jungle. Setting up a website for your ecommerce store is a very important decision. The website can either make or break your business. There have been a lot of instances where the businesses showing great potential could not survive the cut-throat competition because of a faulty website.
We have compiled some ways below by which you can assess whether your website is ready for mobile devices or not. 
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1. Optimise it for mobile

Making sure that the website is optimised for the mobile devices is probably the most important step. Marc Weisinger, director of Marketing at Elite SEM, has introduced the rule of thumb for optimising websites for mobile devices. He said hat most of the people are using touch screens so developers should make sure that the screen is accessible using only the thumb (or an index finger). If people have to use both hands to zoom in and out of the screen, it implies that the website is not properly optimised for the mobile screens. For building an engaging traffic at the website, it is absolutely imperative that you optimize your website and make it responsive, across all devices.

2. Simplify the content

A fancy vocabulary is not going to attract your target market, unless you are dealing with encyclopedia or the likes. Make sure that your content is short, simple and direct, which conveys your message to your audience without leaving any ambiguities.

3. Don't make people search for the search bar

Digital marketing and ecommerce is thriving because they are time efficient options and people are impatient. Don't assume that people are going to navigate your entire store just to find one thing they are looking for. If they have to search your website for a search bar, there is a high probability that they are going to move on to the next available option. Make your search bar clearly visible and place it on the top of your website at every page. This way,the potential customers can easily find the products they are looking for.

4. Let your images do the talking

People react to visuals more than the written content. Put clear pictures of your products or services. Also, make sure that they are optimised for the mobile devices. People usually transfer them directly from the PCs which compromise the quality and they appear blurry on the phone screens. Put some time and effort into condensing your images before publishing them on the website.

5. Test it on different devices

After you have set up your website, test it by running it on different devices. See if the content is easily visible and legible on all the devices. This is the most important step in successfully launching a mobile website and should not be skipped.
Still think that creating a website, which is optimised on mobile devices, is an intimidating task? Leave the task to our experts at App Developers Sydney.

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