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4 Ways to Improve Your Google Ranks

Improving Google ranks is absolutely essential for your ecommerce website to get the maximum exposure and benefits the search engine is capable of providing. The real concern for businesses is to be prominent amongst all the clutter and traffic on the internet, so that they can effectively target their niche.
Our experts at SEO Consultants Sydney have compiled a list of techniques by which you can improve your website's Google ranking.
SEO Consultants Sydney

1. Increase your website's speed

The first thing which off puts potential customers and discourages them from visiting the website again is the slow loading speed of the website. Businesses should realise the fact that people hardly spend a couple of minutes on scanning a site and if they don't find anything interesting in that time frame they move on to the next available option. It is found that if a website speed is reduced by 1 second, the sales go down by 7%.

2. Create a link building strategy

Having a strong link building strategy is very important in digital marketing. You should focus on aspects, external linking and internal linking. External linking or backlinks work as vote of recommendation from one web page to another. It improves the website’s SEO score by enhancing its equity.
There are a lot of websites which provide options for backlinks, but follow the rule of quality over quantity. Just a few backlinks from established sites can improve your SEO score in a much better way than aiming for more backlinks from unpopular sites.
In addition to that, all successful content developers make it a habit of internal linking. Internal linking simplifies your content for Google's algorithm and it can sort it into your desired niche in a much better way. Apart from that internal linking also helps in enhancing the visibility of your previous posts.

3. Create Engaging Content

Google has improved its algorithms to identify if content developers are making their way to the top of the search rankings by densely using the keyword in a poorly written content. There is no way to improve your Google ranks if you are not creating content that is catering to a certain niche.
User activity on your website is an important indication of the authentication and uniqueness of your content. Instead of solely relying on keywords, Google now uses user activity on the website as an indicator for improving the rank of a website on search engine. Therefore, invest your time and efforts into creating a content which people actually want to read.

4. Invest in good SEO Expert

Some things are best left to an expert. There is a chance that you can do very good job of running SEO analytics but it won't be time efficient. Our team provides you the best SEO services which are tailored according to your businesses’ needs.

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