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Building a Penalty-Proof SEO Strategy

You want your website to optimise well to improve search engine ranking and gradually increase traffic and conversion. But optimising your website isn't as easy as you might think. Yes, there are readily available articles and blogs that will guide you on how to optimise your website but if you're not exactly what you are doing and what you should do, you might be using SEO strategies that will penalise your website. And since Google and other search engines are relentlessly improving their algorithms, chances are the SEO strategies that you are reading isn't effective anymore.
In desperate cases, it's best to hire experienced SEO Consultants Sydney to help you draft the right or best optimisation strategies for your website.
If you have a bit of experience, you can try our tips on how to avoid penalty on your website. In this post, we'll focus on the most popular search engine, Google, and their recent algorithms. 
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How to avoid Google Panda penalty:

  1. Avoid duplicate content.
  2. Avoid bounce rate.

How to avoid Google Penguin penalty:

  1. Avoid unnatural links due to low-quality and irrelevant content.
  2. Avoid link scheme
  3. Never use keyword stuffing.
  4. No to too much optimisation. Know the limits.

How to avoid Google Hummingbird penalty:

  1. Avoid long keywords
  2. Have more conversational content.
  3. Build strong inbound and outbound link
    SEO Consultants Sydney

How to avoid Google Pigeon penalty:

  1. Localise your content by using subcategories.
  2. Keep information consistent
  3. Get listed in directories

How to avoid Google Mobile add-on penalty:

  1. Always monitor website traffic.
  2. Make sure your website is mobile-friendly.
There are many SEO strategies that you can use and most of them are written already/ What you need to do is employ it on your website. If drafting the right optimisation strategy is something you're not familiar with, then you can contact SEO Consultants Sydney. They will draft and implement optimisation that is penalty-free and effective.

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