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WordPress Developer Sydney: Why Switch to Facebook Instant Articles?

Should you start using and switching to FaceBook Instant Articles? Here’s why and how a WordPress Developer Sydney can help you start using it

There are many benefits of hiring a WordPress Developer Sydney and with the newly introduced plugin, all the more reason to hire them. But what is it his new plugin and why should you have it especially if your website is WordPress powered?

Then let's introduce the plugin called FaceBook Instant Articles that is easily available in WordPress.

FaceBook Instant Articles
It's a newly introduced plugin that is available in WordPress. Since most of the biggest information website such as BuzzFeed and The NewYork Times uses WordPress as their content management system, it was no surprise that they are first one to test out this new plugin. It turns out, it was the best decision since it improved not just clicks but also received more shares.

So, should you implement the new plugin or not?
The answer here depends on what kind of business you own and your patience. There will always be some sort of adapting and adjusting to the new technology before you can actually see something improving from it but the FaceBook Instant Articles will be something that will be very beneficial for websites.

Greater reach & engagement: According to Facebook, their algorithms have already begun to notice this difference between Instant Articles and standard mobile-viewed articles.

More content consumed: Users tend to spend more time reading the content because f easy reading increasing also brand awareness and loyalty.

Increased revenue: If website owners decide to sell ads within their content, they have the opportunity to earn more using the new plugin.

More marketing opportunities: The new plugin isn’t all about publishing content instantly on your FaceBook Page but also improves how stories are shared and consumed by readers. With the right content and visuals, FaceBook Instant articles can greatly improve marketing efforts.

Greater control over the user experience: The best part about this plugin and why many WordPress Developer Sydney are looking forward to this is how they can never lose control of their content. They can post contents and customise it to their brand without losing any of the resolution and readability of the content and the website.

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