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Why should you never use the Genesis Blog Page Template?

If you are building your own website or blog using WordPress for the first time, it's best to ignore the Blog Page template. It might have been an effective option in the old updates, but today, it's something you should avoid. And if you are looking for a more professional website, then hiring WordPress Developers Sydney is the better option since they can do all the customisation needed on your website. 
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In this post, we'll talk about Genesis, which one of the best template before but isn't as good as it is today. Though you can still use it if you desire but it's not recommended.
Genesis has been under development for quite a few years now. Given its history and large user base, there are a few old features that would be removed, given the opportunity, but are needed for backwards compatibility – so people who have used them in the past can keep using them.

Genesis (excerpt from the official website)

The Genesis Framework empowers you to quickly and easily build incredible websites with WordPress. Whether you're a novice or advanced developer, Genesis provides the secure and search-engine-optimized foundation that takes WordPress to places you never thought it could go.
WordPress Developers Sydney

Sounds quite promising but underlies it is a confusing template. And here is why.

1. They have many premade child themes but you want to be original so you want to customise and here comes the problem. It is confusing to customise it if you are not familiar with CSS and PHP.
2. The premade child theme uses a custom homepage template. That said, a lot of Genesis themes include a template called home.php or front-page.php – this template allows you to create a custom homepage layout based on widget areas.
3. Each theme comes with instructions and demo. However, these instructions are not-so-useful wherein you'll need to blindly work with the Genesis.

What can you do?

If you have already purchased Genesis, you should get WordPress Developers Sydney to customise it for you than doing it yourself to avoid stress and confusion. This is a rather simple looking template with a complex structure.

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