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Effective ways to avoid Google Penguin Penalty

The Google Penguin Update was one and still a formidable update by Google in their algorithm. May bloggers still struggle on updating their blogs while SEO Consultants Sydney strives to create the right set of SEO strategies that will improve your rankings while avoiding the Google Penguin Penalty.

What is Google Penguin?

The Penguin algorithm is all about links pointing to your website from other websites. If the links are over optimised, from bad neighborhoods, or seems spammy, then you could find yourself with a Penguin penalty. If you are penalised, then you will lose all your rankings in Google. You can get out of it by fixing what triggered the penalty or wait for the next update hoping that your site is "penguin-free".
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In this post, we'll give you tips that you can do as a blogger to avoid Penguin-penalty triggers while also improving your SEO.

1) Watch Your Blog Comments

Blogging or writing content is all about engagement and the more engagement you have the better. But this could also be a Penguin Penalty. When you are making comments, you're required to provides your name, email and web address. If you use it too often, you will be penalised. You can get away with it by building "trust" meaning by strengthening your website's brand. 
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2) Build Your Trust

As mentioned earlier, you can avoid most Penguin Penalty by building trust with Google. Building trust takes time and is never guaranteed. You need constant and safe SEO strategies to build it. You can also use tools to determine whether Google trusts you.

3) Avoid ‘Active’ Link Building

We all know how important link building is but active or extreme link building can result in low-quality links and leave you vulnerable to a Penguin Update. If you're not sure how to manage your link building, you can get SEO Consultants Sydney to build it for you and provide you with reliable and natural links.

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