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How does a slow website affect your revenue?

Your website is your company's face online. So, if your website loads slow or not fast enough for your audience then you might actually lose them. There are many factors that cause your website to load slow but there are also solutions to fix it. One thing you can do is contact SEO Consultant Sydney to help you figure out what to do while also optimising your website.

SEO Consultant Sydney

What causes slow websites?
There are different factors that cause a website to slow down. From multimedia added, HTML codes, cache problems, and others, all of these can ultimately slow down a website. And whenever platform you are using, you'll defiantly need a website developer to fix it.

 What happens when your website is slow?

Since high-speed data connectivity is almost available anywhere around the globe, audiences are expecting sites to load faster or on time. They prefer your website to open and be accessed easily in just a few seconds or less. And if your website is slow, one thing you can expect is high bounce rate. Bounce rate means "the percentage of visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page."
SEO Consultant Sydney

You don't want bounce rate. You want it gone or decreased on your website. If your bounce rate is high, your current search engine ranking will also drop down. Any optimisation efforts you are doing will be useless if your website is getting high bounce rate due to slow web page loading.

What can you do?

Check your website. Make sure you determine where the problem lies. In some cases, you'll need to hire a web developer to fix it and SEO Consultant Sydney to optimise your web pages again. A slow website can cost you a lot of money so avoid it.

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