3 Simple Ways to Optimise WordPress Website
Do your web page loads slowly causing you to lose your audience? Are you finding odd bugs and errors on your dashboard? If it's happening, then, you'll need to check your website and improve your optimisation. An unoptimised website can result in decreasing your business’s Internet presence, causing speed, security, and connectivity issues. And who are the best people to do that besides WordPress Developer Sydney!
In recent statistic by KISSmetrics, it's estimated that for every additional second of page load time, your website loses out on 7% of possible conversions. That's almost 7% of revenue lost simply because your website isn't well optimised.
Here are few simple ways to optimise your website and avoid losing your possible revenue.
1. Start Caching with Cache Enabler
If you want a well-optimised website, a caching plugin is vital. When you set up a website for caching, static HTML files of each your site’s pages are created. When visitors view these pages, they load these static HTML files, instead of the much heavier & load-intensive WordPress PHP scripts, resulting in a faster page load speed.
2. Use WP-Optimise to Declutter Your Database
You might think that your database is well organised but apparently, it's more cluttered that what you see. Useless data piles up as your website grows and it slows down your website. WP-Optimise is the ideal plugin to make sure that this data doesn’t get saved and continually slow down your website.
3. Secure Your Site with Sucuri Security
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