WordPress Developer Sydney Answers FAQs on Backing up Your Site
Regardless of how small or large your website may be, data is a very important aspect. Loss of this data may cost you from emotional heartache to costing you a lot of money. A backup is beneficial to everyone because it enables you to access your data should an unwanted incident happen. A backup is synonymous with data protection. Its purpose is to create a copy of data that can be restored after data is lost, corrupted, deleted or wiped out due to a disaster. Without timely and effective backup solutions, it will be extremely difficult to cope up with the loss. WordPressDeveloper Sydney is here to answer your FAQs on data backup:
How often should I backup?
That depends on how often you update your site and how often you want to do it. The decision is yours. Typically, it can be daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually.
How many backups should I have?
As a rule of thumb, it is advisable to keep at least three (3) backups and keep these in three different places or forms (CDs/DVDs/hard drives/online backup service/your e-mail account and many others). If one of the backups may not work due to damage or data corruption, at least you have other sources for your needed data.
What is the ultimate goal of creating backups?
The backup is not really the goal. To fully say that a backup is successful, data must be protected. The point is to enable restoration at any point needed. Thus, one needs to test backups. Testing backups is as important as backing up and restoring data. Without doing the periodic testing, one cannot guarantee that the goal of data protection is being achieved.
It is of vital importance to develop and implement contingency plans on our data. If data is lost, in the absence of appropriate backup, it is quite hard to get back on your feet. It might have taken you several years of hard work to come up with your pile of data, so do not let one single mistake of failing to backup take away everything from you. You can always ask help from WordPress DeveloperSydney to ensure the right data protection strategy for you.
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