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Crowdfunding Websites to Start App Development Project

Whenever you have a brilliant app idea, consider not just on how it will help you become successful but also what can you actually do to get it developed by App Development Sydney team. Yes, you can always invest your own money to it but let's face it. App development is not cheap. You will need to spend more than $200,0o0 if it's a small project and higher if it's more complicated. Marketing and promoting your app is not even included in that price. 

Crowdfunding Websites to Start App Development Project

So overall, you're seeing a more than $400,000 investment for a good working app built b by skilled developers. And that's just a rough estimation. 
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The question is what you can do. 

You can always look for investors or people who are willing to fund your project. This is called crowdfunding. 

What is Crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding websites allow people to post about their projects and convince other to invest or give "funds" to start the project. Anyone can start a crowdfunding project. Indie filmmakers use this campaign, clothing lines, game developers, tech developers and even app developers.
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What makes this great besides getting investors is that you are also creating a promotional campaign for your app. By creating a crowdfunding campaign during the app development process, you can promote and showcase what your app is all about. You'll be able to gauge the people's interest. 

Here are the top crowdfunding websites you can look into. This is a good research to add besides choosing a reliable App Development Sydney team. 


App-Specific: No
Platforms: Any

In their own words, “Kickstarter is a new way to fund creative projects”. They are probably one of the most popular ways to fund your projects, Kickstarter can be used to raise a small amount of funding, and therefore perfect for an app.

The setup is all-or-nothing. You will need to set and reach a certain amount for your goal and you will only get this if you succeed in reaching that goal.Kickstarter applies a 5% fee and Amazon will apply credit card processing fees of about 3-5%. 
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What makes the unique is the rewards. Whenever someone gave you money, then you can give back something in return. SO make sure to promote and turn your campaign into something they can't resist on funding.


App-Specific: No
Platforms: Any

Indiegogo is pretty similar to Kickstarter, with the exception that you can choose your funding type:

  • Flexible Funding – You keep the funds you raise by a certain date, even if you don’t reach your goal.
  • Fixed Funding (all-or-nothing) – Contributions are refunded if you don’t meet your goal.
  • Indiegogo pricing.

The only cons of IndieGogo are that it's not as engaging and interesting as the latter. It looks like only a few mobile applications raise a good share of their funding goal.

So there we have it. These two will usually start any app you want to be developed. Make sure to carefully choose which one and which funding type you need as carefully as you choose App Development Sydney team.

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